Sunday 15 December 2013

Fall 2013

From Halloween, to pumpkins, to costumes and everything else in between - it's always such a great time for kids, particularly in this amazingly warm weather...

some fun pics...

From a photographer....getting ready for Christmas!


So Grandma turned 70 and to celebrate we all went to Hawaii for a few days.  So much fun to play in the beach and at the pool with Grandma and aunt Niki. We also got to meet Mickey Mouse...and got to see kids surfing, go to a lua' and well, we can't remember everything we got to do... :)

Sioux Falls, September 2013

We got to visit grandma and grandpa for a bit, while mommy had her high school reunion.  Later in the year Kuba got to go as well (over Thanksgiving, as a surprise) but mommy did not take any pictures.  It was nicer weather in September anyway!

Ella's first day in Kindergarden

It really happened - she actually is now going to school. Somewhat scary for Mom and Dad, but Ella seems thrilled which is all that matters in the end...

Sunday 8 September 2013

We spent a weekend in LA at a lake house with Robyn and Steve.  Not Okoboji, but still a great time!

Europe Summer 2013

We know that we're fortunate to do this.  And yes, it may be a bit crazy to travel with three kids, 1,3, and 5 to Europe with multiple stops, taxis, trains, planes, and automobiles.  Hot weather, broken air conditioners, huge bug bites, places where we were going to sleep but couldn't - it certainly was not without some hassle.  But seeing our cousins in London and sharing many days and evenings with close friends, the wine, cheese, beaches, and amazing company in Sardinia along with the swimming in the sea and the pool - well, it more than made up for any little discomforts.  

Saturday 7 September 2013

Mommy and daddy time...

Sometimes, rarely, but sometimes we have a chance to sneak away and spend some time without the kiddos.  We cherish the moments and count our blessings.  Often it's just a weekend away, and most of the time it is not much worth documenting, but when we get a chance to explore Marin, during the daytime, it's always so sweet.  Here are a few shots from our latest adventure.

Summer nearly here...

a quick visit to SF and Muir Woods with Grandma and Grandpa

Monday 22 July 2013

Easter 2013

Lots of egg hunts, lots of eggs, the Easter Bunny and fun all around...Kuba still a bit too little to participate...

My first work trip

with Ella...! Mommy had some work to do in Florida and Ella got to tag along to visit our aunt and uncle and cousins.  Along with way we spent some time on the beach, on the water, and with the penguins at the Tampa Aquarium.

Birthdays, Birthdays, Birthdays!!!

Busy, busy spring with b-days.  First Maya had a little celebration in Tahoe while skiing with friends.  Then Ella, for her fifth birthday had a gymnastics party.  Kuba had a little bbq outside with close friends and family and Daddy had a picnic on top of Mt Tam (with delicious views and sushi).  Lots of fun all around!

Friday 14 June 2013

Winter in the Marin...

Still enjoying the sunshine, the hikes, some fun at Fairyland, and the views of the bridge, throughout the winter and's hard to not love this weather!

Skiing Winter 2013

Big year for the girls - both on skis multiple times.  Ella comfortable on greens, Maya trying it for the first time - both with many, many tumbles, lots of bribes with candy, tears, and many more smiles.  Tahoe was fun with a bunch of friends - Mommy and Daddy got to ski on our own multiple times which was brilliant.  A short video with some pics

Tuesday 16 April 2013

January and Winter in Marin and Tahoe...

Lots of hiking, biking and other fun winter activities in Marin...

Christmas 2012

Yes, it's April 2013 and mommy is playing a bit of a catch-up game, but here are some pics of last Christmas.  All the grandparents were here - and we had fun sharing presents, eating a ton, and enjoying time with each other.  The girls got to visit Santa on numerous occasions, and Kuba got to sit on his lap too, without crying!  We also snuck in a very quick visit to southern California to the beach.  And Velveteen Rabbit in San Francisco as well.  Pics not great quality as camera was still broken so Iphone camera was used instead.

Monday 18 February 2013

Kuba's baptism

So slightly out of order - but on October 14th, 2012, Jakob Robert Smith - or Kuba - was baptised at St. Anselm church in Saint Anselmo, CA.  All the grandparents were around, as was the godmother, Kelly Halm, and the godfarther, Geoff Ball.  After the ceremony we enjoyed some food and spent a lot of time together chatting and playing with Kuba.  Who managed NOT to cry (the first in the Smith family) and was generally very well behaved.  Ella spent most of the time playing with Siena while Maya, well Maya just spent some time hiding from everyone else :)

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Fall 2012

So it's been a while!  Mommy's camera broke for a bit - so it was tough with pictures.  In the meantime lots of stuff going on in the fall - many dress-up opportunities, halloween, trips to san francisco, los angeles, the beach...grandma and grandpa visiting, hiking, canoeing, and of course celebrating thanksgiving with aunt Niki and grandma.  Kuba is getting bigger and bigger and the girls are having a blast with him!