So yes - the big day has finally arrived!!! Apparently all things are supposed to become easier now - I'm supposed to sleep through the night, be on a perfect schedule and let's's hard to know what else I'm supposed to be doing at 3 months since I've not actually read the book, but in any case, I'm going to be doing exactly what I want to be doing :)
We also celebrated father's day in England - it was nice - I got to take a picture with a new shirt!
Ella jest przesliczna, prawdziwy aniołeczek, Aniu serdecznie gratuluję Ci wspaniałej rodzinki. Przyjmij serdeczne pozdrowienia dla Ciebie, i Twojego męża a dla maleństwa ucalowania od cioci Uli i wujka Zdzicha z Polski (Prochowice).
Dziekujemy bardzo!!!! i Pozdrowienia!
Ania, Rob, i Ella
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