I'm sitting here pondering...
So apparently as an adult, you are required to move every two years. Maybe it's a government thing. Anyway, I've been told I have four choices.
In Warsaw, everyone sounds like mommy, so that would be cool, and I could see my cousins as well, but it's cold and gray...I'm a big outdoors girl you know.
In Sydney I've been told they have these things called beaches, I imagine sand probably tastes good, but that means long flights.
Maybe if we stay in London I will get to speak in that funny British accent - but then kids will make fun of me when I grow up...
Then there is Seattle...they have houses there! I can have a backyard! But I heard Dad say something about there's only one Johnnie Walker. Not sure what that means.
Mommy told me it would be helpful for me if I build an excel model, but I haven't been able to figure out the vlookup formula so I'm just going to have to ponder on my own. What do you think?