Thursday 25 September 2008

Ella turns six months!

It's unbelievable that last week Ella turned six months...What a crazy ride so far...and we've been so fortunate. Ella has changed so fast - it seems just like yesterday, when she could barely keep her eyes open for longer than a few minutes, and now it's party time every day, all day, if it was up to her. She's amazing, but of course I'm the mom so I would say that.

She can sit up now, smile, and let us know when she's unhappy about things other than food and sleep. She's figured out how to crawl backwards which amazingly is incredibly frustrating for her parents - we constantly have to get stuff for her or move her. She reaches for things, laughs, and cries when things are not going her way. Somehow she's incredibly stubborn :) She's also eating 'real' food now, as we're trying to get her to eat things like basil, mango, and spinach. Broccoli is definitely NOT the favorite.

We're spending a lot to time in Hyde Park, visiting with other moms, having lunches, going to swimming and music classes. Ella plays with other babies in daycare 1 hour a day when mom goes to the gym - the teacher has mentioned that she's 'very attention seeking.' I wonder why? We must work on changing that but of course it's difficult not to spoil her when she smiles so sweetly! In the evening dad takes over and disappears with Ella for her bath and reading time. It's so much easier now that she's a bit older and great fun as she is starting to be responsive. During the next six months she'll have a lot to learn as I go back to work, but in the meantime, it's still playtime with mom and dad!

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